Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Yes, okay, I have to admit to it. Now that I think about it, how could I possible deny it? It's been a strange problem in every relationship I've had. It's not just normal uncertainty about the relationship, I do seem to go between two extremes. This person is amazing, this person is terrible. I may not end up hating people, but I do end up feeling like they are against me. Sometimes I know how irrational this is. I also think that people must also love me or hate me. There's no in between.

Chaotic relationships... my first long term relationship involved dealing with his neuroticism, but then there was mine. The abandonment thing was a big problem. I couldn't deal with him going away. I interpreted everything so irrationally. I don't even want to go into it.

Don't get me started on my high school boyfriend. I was simply a psycho bitch. I went from thinking he was the best to thinking he was crap and wanting to break it off. All I really wanted was to have someone, but I drove him away. I would always start arguments, and I don't really know why. I accused him of so much crap. So he dumped me, and I was absolutely devastated. He wasn't my type, and there really wasn't really any attraction, I just wanted a boyfriend.

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