Saturday, May 15, 2010

more information

I will write down anything I can think of about my symptoms. This is the only way to ever get the right diagnosis. I need to compile as much information as possible.

When I am agitated, I am also very irritable, my thoughts race, and I do spend quite a lot. I am also more likely to drink a lot, self harm or take OTC drugs. These last ones seem like engaging excessively in risky behaviour. I noticed how much my thoughts were racing last night when I was agitated and I did some mindfulness exercises. I sat back and watched my thoughts flicker past, and that's what they did, they flickered. Normally my mind is pretty blank and then thoughts come into my head every few seconds or so, but this was like watching a movie in fast forward. I didn't even know what these thoughts were. I was still able to have other thoughts on top of this flickering, but it was there, and it usually isn't. It's hard to concentrate on anything in this state.

I also can feel a strong urge to speak, even if I don't know what I will say.

I can be so agitated that I move from one activity to another, getting too bored with each and not being able to focus on any of them.

Also, I feel hypersensitive to stimulation, especially sound. Noises just piss me off, and I'm too easily distracted by them.

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